(More) About Me
I'm a proud aunt to three nieces (one not pictured) and a nephew- ages 12, 10, 7, and 4- and am blessed to be living close by that enables me to see them often... and maybe spoil them just a bit.
My Interests
I enjoy spending my free time outdoors, either running or hiking. I also like to read, and every once in a while find myself hopping on a train to explore the newest Boston pop-up that comes to town (like the Maccabee Bar!)​.
I often go to Shabbat dinners and events organized specifically for those in their 20's and 30's, and sometimes host for Shabbat and holidays as well.

My Background
Boston has been my home for the last 8 years and I have been an East Coast girl for most of my adult life.
I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area.​ Judaism was an important part of my upbringing, and my organizing ideas and posts will sometimes relate to Jewish living, or keeping a Jewish and/ or Kosher home.​
I work with a wide range of clients, and especially enjoy working with busy moms and dads, as well as with the senior community. My experience as a preschool teacher spanning over a decade enabled me to understand the stresses of parents. I frequently offer tips and tricks for decluttering and organizing toys efficiently, and how to talk to kids about becoming organized.
I have been a member of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals- or NAPO- for the last 5 years, where I and other professional organizers trade tips about organizing. Participation in my local BNI- Business Network International- chapter, allows other business professionals and I the chance to trade referrals and offer business tips. This year I have had the honor of serving as the Vice President of my BNI chapter.